Pay-Per-Review: Breaking Down WWE WrestleMania 28


What can be said about this match that hasn't been already. It truly deserves every bit of the praise it's received and will continue to receive for years to come. I talked to a wrestler/friend earlier today and he said that "Taker and Hunter worked a perfect match last night"! No argument here.

Shawn Michaels' involvement concerned me a bit going into the match. The HIAC gimmick did as well. I had no reason or right to be concerned – those three men are true professionals and knew exactly what to do all along.

The match was a 10/10 with just Triple H and Undertakers' brilliant storytelling alone, but HBK made it even better. His facial expressions were flawless and the emotions shown by all three men throughout the match were contagious. If you didn't feel something, you ain't got no soul!

After the match, the emotions made me realize that I was wrong. I am now a firm believer that Undertaker's streak should NOT end. Ever. He deserves that recognition for as long as we can give it to him.