Stars in Progress… Taker Return, Sheamus, Jericho, More

Mark Henry Suspended

One Step Down

Speaking of Sheamus, WWE decided to use Mark Henry on his way to the sidelines (injury) as a quick "get over" tool for the Rumble winner. Teddy Long took Henry out of the Elimination Chamber match before suspending him, and rather than let Mark Henry beat on the Smackdown General Manager a little to save face, Sheamus came out and delivered the big boot. 

If Mark Henry wasn't the be best heel Smackdown had, I'd be fine with that outcome. But he is, and I'm not. After the horrible display from Henry in the World Heavyweight Championship match last Sunday, this would have been a great opportunity for him to get a little heat back on his way out. 

WWE is thinking about "right now". I get that. Sheamus is the one who needs to get over today. Mark Henry's absence should allow him to get over immediately upon return. It's logical, and probably accurate. But a "World's Strongest Slam" to Teddy Long wouldn't have hurt Sheamus, clearly, and it would have reminded fans of what Mark Henry used to be, prior to getting bit by the injury bug a couple of months ago.