Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 1-19-12

Storm cuts a quick interview about helping TNA build from the ground up, and how nobody will get in his way. He is sick of talking and wants to show everyone why he will be champion.

James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy Ends in No Contest:

What I Liked:

Great use of reversals in this match. Hardy and Storm worked very well together to counter one another's attempts at gaining the upper hand. Storm is very dynamic when it comes to his combination of suplexes and submission holds. He transitions it very naturally. Hardy and Storm had enough time, were able to go from a slugfest to an athletic flurry of  moves, and both guys did a great job really showing emotions in the ring. It gave you that big fight feel without a title on the line. Bully Ray, who I feel will be a World Champion in 2012, comes out to attack both men. He gets the better of the two, and I liked how Sting would come out and hit him with a bat to knock him out. This tangles a few stories together at one time.

What I Disliked:

Roode should have come out with Ray to attack both guys, since they both are going to be chasing him for his title. Ray apparently is feuding with Sting which I like, but where is the payoff? Roode looks very weak to me when he attacks both guys who are already out. What is the point, just so he is shown? We know he is cocky, but do all heels have to act in the cheap con artist way? I do not think so, and Roode should act more with his ability to be better than the prototypical heel. The creative team needs to realize this. It would benefit him in the long run as a main player.

Grade: B+

Impact Wrestling Grade: B+

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