Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 1-12-12

Impact WrestlingOpening Segment: 

Bobby Roode comes out and says he is the most dominant champion ever. He will continue to knock people down that get in his way. He calls out Hardy to shake his hand, but Sting comes out. Sting says he is the teacher and wants to teach the student a lesson. He books Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode tonight.

What I Liked:

Quickly and efficiently, we get a main event match for tonight, as well as the continued feud between the boss and his employee. Roode continues to get much better on the microphone each week, and is a reason why he is evolving as a main player to stay at the top.

What I Disliked:

I wanted some sort of Hardy here, as he was the one who got screwed at Genesis. He needed to come out, attack Roode, and chase him away. Give us a foreshadowing for later tonight, and potentially more to be in tuned for. I want Roode to show some vulnerability here.

Grade: B+

Matt Morgan and Crimson def. Robbie E and Rob Terry:

What I Liked:

Matt Morgan and Crimson are a good looking team in this match. They used their strength, especially showing it against a much bigger and stronger Terry. Crimson's Suplex looked great, and they deserved to win the match. I really feel they can compete in the tag divison, be a different team than TNA's usual tag team pairings. (most of the teams are quick, athletic, and really are not World Champion material.)

What I Disliked:

I like the idea of Samoa joe and Magnus feuding with them, but there is nothing relevant to fight against. One of these teams should be tag champs, and then feud with the other. This will be overlooked, and that is ashame. Also, the match itself was way too fast, buried Robbie and Terry, and could really crush their spirits in the long run. Robbie E was getting a big push, but I feel like he has been passed up by so many talent.

Grade: C

Eric Bischoff talks about how he makes millions and has made himself by who he is today. He talks about Garret, how he is crazy about being here, and on and on. Garret finally comes out and says he is not going anywhere, and he loves learning from Sting and Styles. Garret says he has a trainer and Bischoff will be shocked when he finds out who it is. Eric grabs his son, but Garret chokes him in the corner with his shirt, and leaves. I liked this segment, as I felt like it did just enough physically to show the dispute between father and son. Garret is still really green and needs mic work badly, as his words feel forced and too scripted. I hope his trainer will be someone that has an actual beef with Eric and not somebody random. Continue to build this angle, but what will be the payoff? I am not quite sure. Grade: B-