What’s Bothering Me?: Tag Teams, Kane’s Promo, Taker/HHH

#1. WWE Needs Managers

Mark Madden liked Kane's promo this past week on Raw. I HATED IT.

Yes, "hate" is a strong word to use, but it's honestly how I feel. In one 15 minute segment to close out Raw, Kane lost nearly every bit of momentum he gained from his return. And for what? To continue teasing a Cena heel turn that will likely never happen?

Kane's promo tried to continue what Roddy Piper started weeks ago. The problem is that Kane isn't Piper on the mic. Kane wasn't even Kane on the mic. It's like he had forgotten how to play the character he created years ago. It fell flat to me and to the entire Chicago audience in attendance.

Kane's promo Monday was a perfect example of why WWE needs more managers. They do help – even today. If Vince felt it was important for Kane to explain his actions against Cena, he could have given him someone to do it. The actual message Kane was trying to get across was fine.  I like the story they are trying to sell with Cena. But Kane isn't the one to tell it. At least, not verbally.

To me, it seems simple: if a wrestler can't talk, you have two options. One, you DON'T have them talk or two, you pair them with someone that can. I would have been fine with either one for Kane.

Chris Cash can be reached via email at wzchriscash@yahoo.com. Follow him on Twitter @RealityofChris.