Wrestlezone Needs Your Help on New Weekly Feature!

Hello wrestling fanatics! 

I have to admit something to all of you before the truth comes out on its own… I am a huge nerd. In fact, I have the "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" Blu-Ray running on the PS3 as I write this! One of the more random quirks about me, apart from being a huge professional wrestling addict, is that I love to make Top 10 lists. It's a random hobby that I started a few years ago while bored in College Statistics (if you ever need a blow-off math class, that'd be it), and I'll do it with just about anything. About a month ago, as I was trying to decide who would be in my "fav five" if I woke up and realized I was suddenly Booker T… it hit me! We have WWE's Power 25, and it's been going on for years. For a short time TNA had their own storyline list of rankings to determine… something, I'm sure. And every year PWI comes out with their comprehensive list of the best pro wrestlers in the world. 

I started thinking… why does Wrestlezone not have a weekly Top 10 list of the best of the best in the industry? 

Long story short, a few of us here at Wrestlezone have been in development of a brand new weekly feature that will showcase who we believe to be the best pro wrestlers and sports entertainers around. Here's what we know so far: 

1.) The list will not be completely new every article. Rather, people will move up and down based on how they did that week – similar to WWE's Power 25 but without the corporate B.S. 

2.) The list will feature only the wrestlers of WWE and TNA. I would love to be able to feature guys from Ring of Honor, New Japan, and places from around the world. However, due to ROH's television format and the lack of demand for other promotions, it's just not possible at this time. 

3.) Each weekly feature will have comments from the various writers from Wrestlezone, as well as our favorite wrestling personalities from around the internet!

And finally… we really need your help! One of my biggest wishes for this feature is that it be interactive with the Wrestlezone community. So every week we're going to ask that you send in your "Top 5". They don't need to be in any particular order, as each person you vote for will get a check mark on our very large list. We will tally all the votes and put up a separate list that will be featured as the fans "popular vote" on who really is the best of the best. You can vote by sending me your top five on Twitter (@MikeKillam) or simply dropping me an email (MikeKillam@gmail.com).

THE DEADLINE FOR VOTING EVERY SINGLE WEEK WILL BE SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT, OR 12AM MONDAY MORNING. The results and the article will go up before Raw every single week! 

The very first edition will go live the day after Survivor Series, but for the very first week of the article we're going to need a starting-point. So we're going to try something fun, and make a list of the best in WWE and TNA, not just for the week, but in general. The goal is to make one list of the best, and from there we will build our weekly ladder. Over 100 votes have already been taken in, and we are still weeks away from the deadline! Thanks to all the Wrestlezone readers that make this an awesome place to be. Together we can turn this feature into something AWESOME. 


Mike Killam