Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 10-21-2011

Sheamus and Zack Ryder vs. Christian and Dolph Ziggler:

Ryder and Christian set the pace of the match. He gets taken to the outside, as Ziggler beats down Ryder. Ziggler, so sound and concise, gets Ryder down and continues to ground and pound him. Quick tags, isolating Ryder. Sheamus gets the hot tag, as Christian basically leaves Ziggler. Sheamus knocked out Ziggler with a boot for the victory.

What I Liked:

Sheamus continues to be forced to carry the load in the ring. He picks up the win for his team. The action was solid, nothing amazing, but did enough to build two feuds at once. The mid card talent really is great right now, and these four guys are making it more interesting each week.

What I Disliked:

The only thing i would have changed is the time and who got the pin fall. I feel like Ryder should have stolen another victory to head into the Pay Per View.

Grade: B+

In Ring Segment:

Cody Rhodes comes out to complain about Randy Orton. He continues to discuss why he is attacking Orton. He boosts his ego about becoming IC Champion. Orton comes out, and is attacked by Rhodes. He goes to the outside and throws Orton into the post. The guys go back and forth with fists, and Orton tosses Rhodes out. He hits an RKO on the bagger, Rhodes finally runs away with his title.

What I Liked:

Great back and forth chemistry on the microphone. I really want to hear what is going to be said next, not forced to. Orton dominating the baggers is a nice touch, as we have seen Rhodes rely on these guys to embarrass his opponents for the past few months. The expressions on each guys face, the realistic drama was great.

What I Disliked:

We always see the heel retreat, so why not switch things up and have Rhodes gain the upper hand heading into Vengeance? It would give more credibility and more essence of his character to gain the advantage.

Grade: B

Sin Cara Azul vs. Sin Cara Negro/ Loser removes their mask:

Azul gains the quick offense. He hits a flying cross body to the outside. Azul continues with a Pele Kick, hits a cross body and a two count. The crowd is going crazy in Mexico City for the action, but Negro hits a drop kick in the ribs to Azul. Negro applies a submission hold on the mat to Azul. Azul finishes off Negro when he reverses a move and hits a hurricanranna into an armbar. Great spot for the victory.

What I Liked:

The feeling from the crowd like this match mattered. This match was cleaner, less missed spots, and the crowd carried the intensity. Negro and Azul was great to see because it actually mattered. The combination of speed and slow submission worked out throughout, and was given enough time.

What I Disliked:

They did not really build this match in the week's prior with the stipulation. They should have focused more time on this match and on the removal of the mask. After the match, it seemed slow and lackluster with the mask removal.

Grade: B