Final Preview: TNA’s 2011 Bound for Glory PPV

Samoa Joe vs. Crimson vs. Matt Morgan

This match is really simple. Three large, main event level guys did not win the Bound for Glory tournament, and have decided to destroy each other because there's nothing better to do in TNA's upper-midcard. Joe is technically the heel here, while Crimson and Morgan share a sort of alliance, so we'll likely see a bit of double teaming until the inevitable Morgon/Crimson face-off. Like I said, this is a really simple feud, and I'm glad to see them keeping it that way. They didn't try to over-extend the story into anything ridiculous, they just kept it short, made it personal, and allowed the heat between Joe and Crimson to carry it all the way to tonight.

Prediction: Crimson has to win. The time for his streak to be legitimately broken has not yet come. That's a match you want to book well in advance, and advertise the heck out of it. Joe hasn't done much in quite some time, Morgan seems to have reached a plateau in his work, but Crimson has yet to hit any sort of barriers. The future is still very bright for the undefeated kid…

Full Metal Mayhem

Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn

Amidst a card of great technical matches, there always has to be a chaotic blood-bath. Who better to offer us extreme wrestling than the kings of ECW Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn. Once again we're looking at a very simple feud, but unlike most of the other matches on the card, this one probably has the least build. Oddly enough, that's fine for two reasons. One, because RVD and Lynn have enough history that they can pick up their feud at any time and have it make perfect sense. They're both hardcore and they hate each other. How hard is that to work with? The second reason is that RVD really only shines in a hardcore setting. He's an average wrestler, but he can't speak coherently to save his life and he's not putting on any clinics with the likes of Kurt Angle or AJ Styles. The kept this simple and saved time for other feuds that really needed the television time. The hardcore TNA fans aren't going to care about anything these two have to say. We just want to see them tear each other to pieces in one of the industry's most brutal matches.

Prediction: Rob Van Dam