The Cashbox: WWE vs. UFC, NoC Prediction, WWE Title Unification

By: Chris Cash @RealityofChris

Welcome to my new Thursday feature, “The Cashbox”, which will include a variety of formats each week and will rarely be the same thing. Some weeks I will do opinionated pieces on wrestling’s hottest topics while other weeks I may interview a wrestling personality, or profile a hot independent star, or respond to your hate emails, or explain the grammatical difference between “than” and “then”. In any case, I hope it’s a feature most of you enjoy. If you would like to get in touch with me, you can follow me on Twitter @RealityofChris or email me at

Don’t forget: I will be hosting a live post-Night of Champions edition of the Voice of Wrestling immediately following Sunday’s event. Visit WrestleZone or for links to the live feed right after the show and join us. We’ll be taking your phone calls, reacting to the pay per view and may even have a couple of special guests stop in to share their opinons as well.


Dana Could Learn A Few Things From Vince

Triple H recently said during an interview that UFC needs to evolve more than the WWE. CM Punk responded on Twitter by saying Triple H was “out of touch” and that his comments were “laugh out loud ignorant”. Take the “worked shoot” part of this out of the equation and you have a legitimate debate that should be fun.

Like most of you, I’m a huge fan of CM Punk and his current work, but in this particular debate, I believe Triple H is spot on. As an avid wrestling fan and a guy that watches UFC semi-regularly (but ALWAYS when Brock Lesnar is headlining), I believe Dana White could learn a few things from Vince McMahon.

I planned on writing more extensively about this topic in this week’s edition of “The Cashbox”, but I just got off the phone with a man who will be joining me exclusively in next week’s edition to discuss this issue. He is currently active in BOTH worlds as he is one of the only men to successfully make the jump from professional wrestling to MMA.

You may know of him in wrestling as…BOBBY LASHLEY! Luckily, that’s what he goes by in MMA too!

Be sure to check out this feature next week as Lashley and I break down Triple H’s comments and see whether there’s truth in what he’s saying or if he’s simply being a “company man” looking out for the best interests of the WWE. In the meantime, I’d love to know what you think! Shoot me an email at with your thoughts on the matter.


Early Night of Champions Prediction

There is NO chance Triple H loses this match on Sunday forcing him to step down as COO this early. The “No Disqualification” stipulation should be reason alone to expect that, but it’s also hard to imagine Punk losing “again” right now.

This story between him, Triple H, and Kevin Nash broke down weeks ago and unfortunately, Punk’s overnight momentum has suffered as a result. It’s an absolutely mess that I fear is past resurrection, but it doesn’t mean CM Punk has to be.

We reported on WrestleZone that the plan from the start was for Hunter and Punk to eventually work this match with the COO stipulation being on the line, but it was never meant to take place at Night of Champions. That was a spontaneous reaction to the stuff going on backstage we don’t get to see. A hipfire attempt to cover their asses because planning ahead was not priority number one all along.

I was never a huge fan of Hunter being the authoritative figure to begin with, but since they went that direction, they have get all they can out of it. They haven’t done that yet, nor have they come close. I still don’t believe Vince McMahon is going to stay out of the picture for that long and at some point, I’ve always expected his return in order to regain control of his company.

Where they’re going with all of this would be impossible to say right now because I don’t think THEY know on a week to week basis, but Nash return/interference or not, Triple H will walk out of Night of Champions this Sunday still COO.