Big TimBoski Show! Foley, Hardy and Much More

Hello everybody and welcome to the she wouldn’t make out with you at the party but did way more with you three nights later edition of the Big TimBoski Show! I am as always the temporary replacement as permenant host better known to you and me as Tim Sampsell! This week we celebrate the Yankees losing, we talk about TNA and we look at the number one feud in wrestling right now plus as always we’ve got trivia so without any further of due…here we go!

Foley vs Steamboat:

The number one rivalry in wrestling right now is in Ring Of Honor (ins’t it always though?) and it pits two legends with different views on the business one on one in a rivalry that is continuing to make Ring of Honor the most buzzworthy promotion in wrestling. Now Ricky Steamboat has been in ROH for about the last six months in a referee and spokesperson role. In that six months he has had an amazing feud with CM Punk and fans have been turning out in huge numbers to see the legendary former world champion. A couple of months ago Mick Foley came to Ring Of Honor and declared that ROH in his mind stands for the “Ring Of Hardcore!” This infuriated many of the wrestlers because ROH has made a name for itself by getting away from quote “garbage wrestling!” Ricky Steamboat has especially taken offense to this as he came to ROH because of its focus being on professional wrestling. This has led to currently the biggest feud of the year in wrestling.

What has happened is that both Foley and Steamboat have found guys that agree with their views and those wrestlers have been fighting it out to defend their legend’s ideals. What has made this so amazing is that Steamboat’s arch nemisis, CM Punk has taken his side to defend pro wrestling over hardcore wrestling. Foley has recruited the Prophecy of Dan Maff and BJ Whitmer to take on Steamboat’s guys of Punk, Nigel McGuiness and Jimmy Jacobs to name a few. What this has led to is great tag team wrestling and a memorable confrontation between Steamboat and Foley! If you can find the results then please read the in ring argument between these two because it has went down as one of the most entertaining promos ever! Ricky Steamboat called Mic Foley a horrible children’s book writer in which Foley replied that is the first entertaining thing that the Dragon has said in his entire career! Foley then goes to rip Ric Flair for remarks made in the famous Nature Boy autobiography.

Ring Of Honor has always been the progressive promotion and a feud in which two legends with different ideologies square off with top talent, not decent talent but top talent defending each side is extremely progressive and the type of product we have come to expect from Ring Of Honor. It is so important right now for ROH that this feud has been as sucessfull as it has been because fans are getting weary of Samoa Joe still being champ so this is a great way for the company to take its time and really decide who they want to be champ and how they are going to book Joe after he loses the title. What is the most amazing about this is that this has all went off without a hitch while key guys have had to been pulled off the card at the last minute like Steve Corino. I am a huge fan of the Ring Of Honor product as I feel that they are really rewriting the way the pro wrestling business works and is looked at and this feud has been nothing short of fantastic and I am very curious to see how it will end!

Victory Road:

As most of you know TNA is presenting its first monthly pay per view on Sunday, November, 7th and it is called “Victory Road.” The ironic thing about this is that victory road seems to be the only road they are not on. As many of you know I am a big fan of the smaller promotions and independant wrestling, after all I have been writing about consistently since I started writing as a forums writer and I will tell you the truth…I am not really digging TNA’s product right now. TNA has fantastic talent but its not being used right in my opinion. Christopher Daniels as a good guy tag team wrestler is not a good thing. Don’t get me wrong he is amazing and is probobly TNA’s number one or two most talented guy and that is why he needs to be the fallen angel and be that heel singles wrestler who can take any title whenever he wants just like he was in ROH. I am with the concensus and Jeff Jarrett is a horrible champion and Jeff Hardy as the number one contender has to be comical if you are a WWF employee. The truth is that TNA does not have solid storylines nor do they have solid finishes to matches. Unless its a squash almost every match ends in interference and controversey and that has to stop. Fans want to know who is the best and TNA is not letting fans know that.

With the exception of the early X Division match ups there has been no classic matches from TNA in about a year and a half and that is bad. The in ring product has not been good and yes some of that has to do with a weak heavyweight division but I also put alot of the blame on the six sided ring. I know a lot of people are fans of the hexagon but I am not. I’m not a fan because with the exception of a couple of promotions in Japan there is nobody who uses the ring consistently and the wrestlers still look confuse in there. Even I have a hard time with a turnbuckle being in the middle of the ropes. I think for battle royals the ring would be amazing but an all the time ring is not what a six sided ring is known for or used for and TNA has prooven this. I do not mean to be negative because we all know I hate negative columns but to all of you writers and who think TNA is great may I ask…What are you smoking and may I have some? Misused talent, one hour of TV a week, a six sided ring that even the wrestlers still look at like an unknown universe equals just a flat out boring product.

With one hour of TV a week the wrestlers are not getting enough time to show off their skills and that shows especially when Jarrett and Dusty Rhodes need almost ten minutes each of interview time a week. TNA needs to get two hours of TV and they need to slow down. They want to do monthly PPV’s like the WWF and they are not ready for this yet! Seasonal pay per views I think is a great idea and that will help the product but they are trying to force feed their product into us and it shows and its not good. Bringing in the outsiders of all people is a bad idea in my opinion! TNA is already is still deeply in debt and they are bringing in two of the biggest money, and more importantly biggest politics in the business can not equal anything good. Hall and Nash are both injury prone, over fourty and haven’t put on a good match in about eight years.

TNA is in trouble right now and I think while they are trying to make business progress they are extremely in debt from the weekly PPV’s and can’t get the advertisement backing right now to help them get out of IMPACT or X-Plosion. I think TNA needs to slow down, take its time and biuld a product that fans are going to want to see and advertizers are going to buy into. The way to do that is use both IMPACT and syndicated X-Plosion to biuld storylines and have seasonal pay per views instead of monthly pay per views. This way they will biuld a product that will get fans interested in seeing the big payoff matches and so they can make the money they are suppose to make by putting the show into syndication. They have to understand though that they will never make the money the WWF makes so if I was them I would strive for ECW numbers. Try and be the number one show on your cable channel and hope to get 100,000 buys for your pay per views and make your product cheaper to run. ECW never had videoscreens or pyro. Just a stage, a curtain and some strobe lights and thats all TNA needs. Take out one of your two enterance ramps at Universal Studios and put more seats there so you can get more revenue because the most important thing TNA needs to do is get out of debt. Get out of debt and use that money to biuld a better product.


Its trivia time but before we get to this week’s question here is last week’s question, the answer and our Medium TimBoski’s for the week.

Which Angle brother helped Kurt retain the WWF Title over the Undertaker at the 2000 Survivor Series?

Eric Angle!

Our Medium TimBoski’s for the week are Benny Botiquin, ChampManagerLeg, Chris Bailey, Canadian Cripploski, Delaney, E. Bynum, Gary Zielosko, Gavin Langdon, Jack DaSilva, Jaho Czachorski, Kevin Gardner, M. Rahman, Mike Mcalpin, Mikey Mason, Ryan Cotter and SlipperySlope congratulations to all of you!

Remember if you think you know the answer then please send it with your feedback to

With me talking about ROH this week I will give an ROH question…Who was Ring Of Honor’s first Champion? Good Luck!

Well that about does it for this week. I want to thank everybody for the feedback and I hope you all enjoyed it. Remember to send your feedback along with your trivia answers to and until next time LATER!