Random Thoughts From Wrestlezone’s Top Babyface

*I look for big things from shark boy this year. hopefully a run with samoa joe for the belt later down the line. If shark boy does get the tna title at some point, I think tna should bring in God to feud with him at some point, since he wasn’t re-signed by wwe. I think the angle would be pretty creative if God was the heel.

*Wrestlezone should just cancel 5150 live. It’s really just degenerated into chris cash and konnan bitching and complaining for an hour about tna.

*Good to see my boy Joe Legend amongst the ranks of the wrestlezone.commers, regardless of his warped views on the business. Joe shares pretty much the same opinion of AJ Styles as most of the other mindless sheep on this site. “To have a guy like AJ Styles be a lynch-pin of the company since it’s inception. A guy who NEVER has a bad match. A good looking kid who ALWAYS gives the audience it’s money’s worth. A guy you’ve had hold ALL of your titles SEVERAL times each. A guy who is a stand up guy in and out of the ring and a generally good person who is only a boost to your locker room and is always a positive influence to everyone in the building.

To have a guy like this in a turkey suit on your TV now?

Ya GOTTA re-think who’s writing for you!”

Uh, Joe, he’s a heel. The object is to get the people to not like him, and for smarks, the object is to get people to not like his character. It’s working on both fronts.

*We may never see the rest of Raven’s article on wrestlezone. Since he’s left tna he’s been far too busy watching tivo and doing nothing to take the 30 minutes required to type out the article that he’s already written. He continues to misquote me on the title belts being worhtless point. Let me, in my own words, sum up my theory on title belts. 1) The wrestler makes the belt, not vice versa. The belt should be put on one of the top two “characters” on the show, not necessarily one of the best workers. When the character holding the belt can only wrestle and can’t cut a promo, the belt is worthless. 2) Belts are worthless when all you have on your show is people wrestling for belts, instead of dramatic storylines. I profess that The Rock and Austin didn’t need the belt for their feud, because the feud was so strong. People didn’t buy the ppv because they wanted Austin to win the belt, they bought it because they wanted to see Austin kick his ass. The belt doesn’t add much to a feud when a guy throws another guy in the river. It’s not like, “I’m gonna show you! I’m gonna take that belt from ya!” 3) Why does the champ have to walk around on the show with his belt all the time? Because he’s got the belt? I don’t see alot of boxers and mma guys walking around everywhere with their belts. Ultimately, the belt is just a prop. It’s given credibility by the strength of the character who carries it on his shoulder. But he loses credibility when he carries it with him everywhere he goes on the show. That’s just silly. The champ should just wear the belt to the ring, just like in every other legitimate fighting competition.

*Raven also tries to make some assumptions that the reason couture beating sylvia was so good was because they were wrestling for the belt. I could care less if he won the belt or not that night, because it was so visually dramatic and exciting. While I was watching I wasn’t crossing my fingers and hoping he wins the belt. The drama of the underdog role is what made that fight. And i would doubt I’m the only one that shares that opinion. Raven would like everyone to think that belts are important, because then it would strengthen the credibility of the fantasyland he lives in inside the wrestling bubble. Mind you, this is a guy that doesn’t acknowledge who Scott Levy is anymore. He’s assumed the Raven character in real life.

*Kevin Kelly has written a couple of crappy articles lately, seeming more interested to get people to come into his forum so they can stroke each other’s chains and pile on tna. Intersting to note that two weeks after Shark Boy’s skits the show did another high rating. I guess that could answer the question as to “who wants to see Shark Boy act like Stone Cold?” also kind of squooshes his argument that “guys like Glenn spin the numbers to make fiction reality.” Funny thing is, that if Shark Boy thing was so bad then the ratings should be going down. So, in actuality, “Who thinks Shark Boy acting like stone cold is a good idea?” would be the fiction, and the reality would be plenty of people, more than before. People should understand the mindless sheep that follow the internet websites don’t comprise the entire impact audience, or even the most important demograhic.

*I notice Chris “the self-professed authority” Shulz hasn’t written anything since he trashed tna’s writing and they followed up with a high rating. Maybe he realizes that I’m the only “authority” on wrestling on this site. I’d still like to see what his version of impact would look like. Probably alot of 20 minute x division matches.

*I’d like to give some props to some of the posters that are smart enough not to have been brainwashed by the anti-tna venom on this site. If anymore of you out there that are fans of tna and aren’t afraid to speak up, but don’t want to because you’re scared that some schmuck will call you stupid for liking the show, don’t worry. Just jump in to the Glenn Gilbertti exclusive forum and good ‘ol Double G will come to your defense!