Random Thoughts: Real Life, Bischoff, ROH Fans

*Mark Madden wrote recently that TNA went too far exploiting Jeff’s family and Kurt’s divorce. “Is nothing sacred? Is nothing private?”

Was that supposed to be a rhetorical question? Or a joke?

In this day and age of the internet wrestling “news” sites, of course NOTHING is sacred, and NOTHING is private. Therein lies a great hypocrisy. The shepherds and their brainwashed sheep want everyone to think that they represent the wrestling fan base. Then they also want to know everything about the wrestler’s private and personal lives. Then they want to criticize the creative for using real life facts about someone and incorporating them into storylines. I guess unless someone like me points these things out, nobody realizes how stupid some of these guys sound on such a regular basis when they review shows. They should just stick to sharing dirt with their stooges, instead of making imbeciles out of themselves when they try to pretend that they know what draws in the pro wrestling business.

*Bill Behrens made a good point about ratings recently, by pointing out that when sites try to analyze ratings, that they really don’t know what they’re talking about. It’s pretty funny how over the course of a year, WWE has lost 10% of it’s audience, while TNA has almost gained 10%. Yet people still bang their drums and toot their horns and scream and holler to fire Russo.

You can’t analyze ratings over a sample size of 8 numbers within a 2 hour period. You have to look at the minute by minute ratings, which are available for a fee, but none of the internet news sites want to get them. I guess because they want to continue to report having only a portion of the facts, instead of all of them. But once again, since I’m the only guy reporting stuff like this, people will continue to read the quarter hour ratings analysis, and continue to cram more misinformation into their shallow, brainwashed skulls.

*Ha! Just read Eric Bischoff’s blog, where he kicks the internet schmucks right in the balls with ratings facts. You should check it out. He echoes my sentiment on ratings analysis. I guess CCW was the most watched wrestling show on tv last week, despite everyone trying to tab it as a collosal failure.

“What the ratings mean?” Would you rather have that question answered by a wrestling newsman, or somebody from a television executive background? I love it when I get critisized by one of Meltzer’s sheep, and I beat him into the ground with facts. You would think he’d want someone with my knowledge and background in the wrestling business, from an in-ring and production standpoint, on his weekly radio show to discuss issues like ratings. But instead he marches out guys like Lance Storm, so they can put their parade hats on and drum to the tune of anti-Russo and anti-Hogan songs.

Do they ever write any “I was wrong about this” columns?

*Kurt Angle is a super human. Seriously. I gave him the wrestler hug the other day and I swear, his back feels like it’s made out of cement. I’m not kidding. Borash and myself were wondering if he was from another planet. The guy won a gold medal for being the best wrestler alive. And he feels like a piece of granite. Probably how Ivan Drago felt about Rocky Balboa. And Rocky was from Pennsylvania, too. Could it be that there’s a race of superhumans living in Pennsylvania?

*WWE is referring to their wrestlers as entertainers. It’s about time. That’s what we are. Actors, stuntmen, comedians, you name it. I never amateur wrestled. So how could i actually be a PROFESSIONAL wrestler? If you analyze the terminology, I’m not a professional wrestler. Never have been. Because if you think about it, how could fake wrestling be the next progression from amateur wrestling?

I’m a live action theater performer simulating a real fight. I’m an entertainer.

*I guess those “FIRE SAPOLSKY” chants you heard at ROH shows finally cost someone their job. I guess the problem there was that the company was losing money and had declining attendance.

This brings me to a fantastic point that is going to be hard to argue with. I guess Gabe Sapolsky was a Paul Heyman protege, I have read. So I guess it’s safe to say that the ROH fan base is an extention of the ECW fanbase. So would it be safe to say that ROH fans are probably the worst wrestling fans you can have? They praise their product when it stinks and is losing money, and they’re all smart to the wrestling newsites, and they like to do stupid unecessary chants at the shows.

ROH and ECW fans will put your wrestling company out of business. That is a fact. It’s already happened to ECW, and now they’ve gotten the booker fired for their latest promotion they’ve chosen to follow as it starts it’s downslide. Please, stay away from TNA and go back to your computers and video games. Or keep going to ROH shows until they can only afford to pay Brian Danielson and Nigel Mcginness so they can do a 3 hour iron man match. Then everyone can tell Meltzer it was five stars and he can keep talking about what a great promtion it is.

When things like Gabe losing his job happens, it puts an exclamation point on the fact that I KNOW that internet wrestling fans are usually fans of a product that doesn’t draw.
