The “Create A New Gimmick Match” Challenge

Personally, I’d love to see a 3-legged race style tag team match…

I love a good gimmick match.  I’ll admit it…I totally mark out for them.  Two of my all-time favorite cards were WCW’s Battlebowl/Lethal Lotteries.  I loved War Games.  I miss scaffold matches.  I own all of the old Japanese death match DVD’s featuring piranha matches, exploding land mine matches, lightbulb matches, scorpion pit matches, and so forth.  Give me a finisher/finisher, a Punjabi Prison, a Jailhouse match, a blacktop brawl, boiler room brawl, a pink slips, a flag match, Monster’s Ball, Tuxedo match, first blood, mask vs mask, caskets, dumpsters, singapore canes, ladders, straps, taped fists, chambers, cells, chamber of horrors, gauntlets, Lion’s dens, plain ole lions and tigers and bears, oh my.  Hence, I decided to dedicate this column to all of wrestling’s great speciality matches.  I was going to bust out one of my patented top ten lists, but there are just way too many good ones to limit myself like that.  So instead, I got to thinking…sure, there’s been a lot of awesome gimmick matches…but what types of gimmicks have never been done before?  

So, I’m reaching out to the Wrestlezone readers.  I want us to create some new gimmick match magic here.  It’s time for us to invent some new ideas for gimmick matches.  Can we say Swine Flu on a Pole match anyone?  Submit your suggestions to me and I will post the 10 best reader submitted ideas later in the week.  I don’t care if they are entirely realistic or completely absurd…that is entirely up to you.  And there’s no limit…if you have more than one idea, feel free to include them.  It just so happens that my brother and I already came up with my contribution over 10 years ago and it’s sincerely a really great match idea.  I’ll tell you all about it when I post the winning ideas.  I’m very excited to see what we can come up with if we put our minds together.
SEND YOUR IDEAS FOR NEW GIMMICK MATCHES TO ME at!  I’m looking forward to seeing your ideas!