Make RAW 3 Hours Every Week

Jeffrey writes,


Plain and simple. Its a test shot from TNA to see exactly where they stand . TNA knows right now it dont stand a chance but it need to build there audience what better way then to get people to channel surf on that day to try to steal some fans the biggest name in pro wrestling history Hulk Hogan brings name recognition going against the rock { possibly } a ploy to see how much ground they need to catch up i predict "" if the rock is the guest host of raw that night "" raw will draw in the high 3’s to low 4’s that night because of the surf factor which will also work in wwe’s favor cause TNA’s fans will most likley turn to WWE programing for the rock TNA on the other hand will draw it’s higest ratings ever which will be in the mid 2’s but the lasting effect is what counts WWE will go back to it’s normal mid to low 3’s if TNA goes back to it’s normal ratings then they have a problem TNA would have then just shot them selves in the foot so in effect it is not 1/4/2010 that’s the bid day but 10 days later the first impact after that will set the course for TNA thanks for reading



Antony from Scotland writes,


Personally I think it all comes down to money, like any business trying to compete in any market, you have to be able to stand toe-to-toe with the top dogs or in this case, dog. From what I gather, TNA and Dixie Carter don’t have the financial clout to take it to full scale war, not yet anyway an I don’t believe anyone watching UFC ppv will really bother with TNA because they already have an invested interest in a real fighting sport, in these economically difficult times I don’t see either the paying ufc customer pay for tna ppvs or Dixie carter take the huge risks it would take to go full out war with vince. I see it being a one sided war in which tna often take shots at wwe on impact and the wwe continue to ignore them an without the cash to compete tna won’t steal talent, upgrade their broadcast or branch out of the impact zone.



Mike writes,


There is ABSOLUTLEY no way that TNA can compete with the WWE, now while i will admit that the product Vinnie Mac is spewing out recentlly makes me who has been a life long wrestling fan wanna run for the hills TNA’s product is in my opinion far worse, they are nothing more than a watered down version of what WCW.