Upon Further Review…



TNA’s Monday Impact show still sucked.


In the interest of fairness, I watched Impact again and yep, it was definitely brutal. There were some absolutely amazing things I missed the first time around, though. For example, Hulk Hogan accusing Jeff Jarrett of keeping the young guys down. This from a guy who kept EVERYBODY down.


For example, Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy was the biggest star on Impact. Hardy may be the biggest star in wrestling today. His second-last match in WWE was a main event at SummerSlam. Crowd response to Hardy was manic. Kids loved him. Merchandise sales were through the roof.


Hardy should have been the one everybody talked about on Impact. Hardy should have been the one with tentacles in every angle. Hardy should have had max TV time. Hardy should have been the biggest deal. Instead, all that belonged to Hulk Hogan. The 56-year-old gimp was front and center. The 32-year-old superstar was peripheral despite being fresh off the front lines. Ric Flair was peripheral, too. Didn’t even get a promo.


This is what Hulk Hogan does.

By the way, wouldn’t it be funny if Hardy signed with TNA not by preference, but because he’s serving a one-year drugs suspension from WWE after testing positive a third time? Not hatin’, just sayin’.