TONIGHT: Old Main Event Guys, McMahon Bleeding, Lesbians

Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Sting, Jeff Hardy are all expected to be on TNA Impact tonight. It’s amazing to think, but add up the amount of times that they each have left wrestling for a while (or retired) and appeared again. If you add it all together, they have more combined comebacks than Tiger Woods has had mistresses…that we know about.

The main event on RAW will have Cena versus Vince McMahon, while TNA has Hogan and Flair in a tag match, so three of the participants in the main event matches tonight are over the age of 50.  Michael Cole can truly scream “vintage” tonight. Hell, most people the same age as these main eventers are in bed by the time 10:50 comes around, which is the time they will enter the ring tonight.

If you are looking for some “wrestling” tonight, than you will not find much. Shock value will be the name of the game.

Am I going to watch, of course I am. Why? Because I started watching in the 80’s, watched the very first RAW in 1993, and no matter what the state of the product is, they have me hooked and forced to watch. I know no other way to spend the hours of 9-11 on a Monday night.

Oh and I also watch because I am a dumb ass. Many of you reading this are all part of the same dumb ass club that is hooked to watching. Some of us have higher rankings than others, but we are all card carrying members of the dumb ass wrestling club.

So what can we all expect in this shocking night? Much of it will be a surprise to see which is why the fans are the ultimate beneficiaries of two wrestling shows being on the same time slot.

The build up to WrestleMania will continue and should hopefully bring some entertainment. TNA will offer some good television with the Angle/Anderson feud, matches that highlight Desmond Wolfe, The Pope and some of their other spectacular athletes.

I’d say that the biggest dud of the night on both shows will be what they will try and build for two hours: the main events. A Batista involvement which would probably lead to a Bret Hart appearance in the McMahon/Cena match is inevitable. So now, Batista, who is over 40, and Hart, over 50, have been added into the main event mix.

The middle aged fans watching are going to feel youthful, the youthful guys are going to feel like little kids, and anyone under the age of 14 who is watching tonight, shouldn’t even watch because they were not yet walking or conceived when most of tonight’s main event guys were in their prime.

Other thoughts that I keep thinking about relating to tonight and the future……

Sure hope Vinnie Mac doesn’t get to violent and start bleeding, tons of hypocrisy would be going on there.

Now that Awesome Kong is gone, in the interest of not having to worry about profiling or leaving anyone out, Bischoff should bring his concept of Hot Lesbian Action over to TNA. Awesome Kong was a good female wrestler and I feel bad she is no longer with the company, but I really have no interest to see her tig ol’ bitties flopping around on Angelina Love in HLA.

I said it before that some of TNA has been growing on me. I still stand by that and feel that they have a lot to offer. Putting Hogan and Flair in the ring is not a positive to offer in my opinion. Having Abyss walk out to “American Made” while giggling and hugging Hulk Hogan the whole show is not a positive to offer.

There is a lot of look forward to tonight, either out of serious excitement or out of curiosity. With all that there is to scratch your head about and chuckle, it may turn out to be a great night. Who knows?

That is why we watch, to be entertained and for the hope to be watching a memorable night in pro wrestling…and because it’s a code we all have to follow in the elite dumb ass club.

Speaking of Hulk Hogan, in part 1 of this past weekends Chair Shot Reality, we gave you the top 5 facebook/twitter updates from Hogan. You can see that at

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