Today’s Funny Photos 4-26-17

It’s the middle of the week, or what the kids call hump day. And you can either look at this as being closer to the weekend, or you can be a half-glass empty kind of person and see today as yet another obstacle on your way to the weekend. Regardless of how you see it, just know that we are in it with you, and we aren’t going anywhere. Unless you want us to, then this becomes super awkward. But don’t worry, we are used to hanging around and making things awkward when no one wants us around. But we will just keep at it. And for now, all you lovely folks should just check out a brand new batch of funnies picked out just for you! Because sometimes all you need in a day to turn it around is a good laugh. And that’s what we provide. So have at it and enjoy.

And don’t forget to follow Mandatory on Twitter and Instagram, too.





And speaking of dogs, this dog was really into throwing a tantrum in front of everyone.





Keep those eyes open long enough to check out more of our Funny Photos, folks!








And don’t you worry if you need more laughs, because we have yesterday’s Funny Photos here, too.