Look At This Dog’s Reaction Who Just Heard Himself Snoring

Photo: YouTube

No one wants to sleep near anyone who snores, but sometimes the person who is snoring is you, and there is only one way to learn just how you sound to others: listen to your own snores. And that is exactly what one guy wanted his dog to hear.

So if you’re not dancing with your dog like this dog groomer, perhaps you should record your dog snoring so you can show him what you have to listen to night in and night out. So Tal Soloman used his phone to record his dog snoring, and his dog’s reaction is priceless. Check it out below thanks to his YouTube.

Look At This Dog’s Reaction Who Just Heard Himself Snoring

I hope that dog understands the headache he is causing his owner. Although he’s probably going to be humping away like these dogs when he’s home alone. So at least he can vent that away. And besides, this dog will be back to snoring and keeping his owner awake in no time, so good luck to you, Tal.

And this dog might want to stay away from this couple: Pennsylvania Couple Busted For Making Videos Of Woman Trying To Hump Dog