The Reactions Of These People Watching Last Night’s Debate Pretty Much Says It All

Photo: ROBYN BECK/AFP (Getty Images)

The second presidential debate was a big mess. As expected. Sure, it probably wasn’t as awkward as Donald Trump embracing his daughter (it was close, though), but it still had some head-scratching moments. We still got plenty of Trump’s now infamous sniffles, but we also got plenty of garbage that was being spewed all night long. And the faces and reactions of the people below pretty much sums up how we were all feeling trying to survive these two presidential nominees going at it.

Reactions to Last Night’s Presidential Debate

Photo: Pedro Pardo / AFP (Getty Images)


Photo: David Mcnew (Getty Images)


Photo: Anthony Wallace/AFP (Getty Images)


Photo: David Mcnew (Getty Images)


Photo: David Mcnew (Getty Images)


Photo: David Mcnew (Getty Images)


Photo: David Mcnew (Getty Images)


Photo: Pool (Getty Images)


Photo: David Mcnew (Getty Images)


Photo: Paul J. Richards / AFP (Getty Images)

Yep, we feel all of your pain. We seriously do.

And let’s not forget this reaction either:

And guess what? There is still one more debate before this shitshow is finally over.

In 20 years we will look back at this and there will just be a massive question mark over our flashback.

h/t BuzzFeed

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