Somebody Go Check On Selena Gomez

Hey guys, we might have a Selena Gomez problem.

Last we time we talked about Selena Gomez, she had full on psychotic Twitter break when her BFF was caught in a lie then got sufficiently roasted beyond recognition, because she’s in her early 20s and wants to be deep but can’t. She tried again last night at the Indonesia stop on her Revival Tour. They must have really bad weed there.

After the worst message to get the crowd hype at a concert, Selena then posted this existential crisis on Instagram.

Not sure what’s happening here. We should also point out that Taylor Swift has yet to comment on this, because as we know, if it doesn’t involve Taylor Swift, it doesn’t exist. I hope Selena recovers, but if these somehow turns into her getting naked a lot, I’ll support her however I can.