First Look: All-New NOW Fantastic Four #1

Take a look at this! After decades sporting the cool blues, and the last few years sporting some snazzy sci-fi whites, it looks like the Fantastic Four is getting another makeover, this time donning some red-and-black togs. Everyone knows wearing red and black makes you cool.

It seems Robinson’s got some heavy plans for them, too. “The team will be brought down,” says James Robinson. “Despite the fact these characters are a family and have always stuck together, there are forces that push them into directions you never thought you’d see.”

Robinson also says we’ll be seeing the whole extended family eventually, including the Future Foundation and the recent incarnation of the FF with Scott Lang et al, but he’ll start by focusing on the main team. He’s not a man who ignores prior continuity – in fact, he’s intending to remind everyone how many classic Marvel villains came from the Fantastic Four first with many different combinations of the Frightful Four.

Check out the new look for Fantastic Four #1, from writer James Robinson and artist Leonard Kirk, featuring variants from Jerome Opena, Skottie Young and Katie Cook, and a special anniversary cover from Alex Ross.