Grilling Aprons That Express Your Pit Personality

Grilling aprons are a must-have when manning the bbq. (Heat, oil, marinades, and meat juices do not mix well with clothes.) No matter what your personality or pit experience, our picks for apparel protection, from the tasteless to the no-nonsense, will have you covered.

7 Options For Creative Grilling Aprons:

Star Wars Aprons

Whether you want to impersonate Darth Vader, Hans Solo, Luke SkywalkerYoda, or a Stormtrooper, the cleverly-named company ICUP has your cinematic apron in stock. Prices on these cotton wares range from around $7 to $25 depending on which character you covet.

Pro Sports Aprons

Show your team spirit–or ignite a new rivalry–with NFL or MLB lines of aprons from Williams Sonoma. They’re simple, reasonably-priced ($29), and classier than most sports merchandise. Bold, solid colors choices differ for each team. Add a monogram or name for a mere $9.

Humorous Aprons

There’s no shortage of pun-splashed aprons available for purchase thanks to the Internet. If you prefer trustworthy sellers, seek out laugh-inciting designs on Etsy. BobKatInk, a Sacramento-based seller of the $29 silly and insightful apron above, has stellar ratings and even accepts custom orders.

Indecent Aprons

If you’re going to be crude, go al l the way. You probably don’t have a six pack, tattooed pecs, or a pretty girl on her knees, but you can pretend with this jaw-dropping selection of grilling aprons from Everun. Flagrant fellatio not your thing? The same company also sells versions featuring Michelangelo’s David, a hat-and-tie combo, and a blurry bestiality theme. Prices hover around $10 with shipping.

Pocketed Aprons

The Wemberly Grill Instructor model takes the apron’s most important feature–pockets–and provides a plethora of them, all labeled and appropriately sized for whatever you might need at the ready while grilling. The utility belt also includes a bottle opener. Made of polyester, it won’t last forever, but at around $30, it sure does make for a kitschy gift.

Professional Aprons

There’s something about stripes that says “serious.” Chef Works, a company that caters to those who cook for a living, has a whole series of striped aprons like this black-gray cotton-poly blend with an adjustable neck and riveted front pockets. The $31.99 price is just right for laymen. Text or logos are add-on options.

Luxe Aprons

Hey, big spender. Seattle company Hardmill, started by two brothers, makes a line of rugged, manly aprons in fabrics like selvage denim, waxed canvas, and leather. The version above, in a color elegantly called “cognac,” is a splurge at $375, but guaranteed to inspire envy in your fellow pit masters.