Tomi Lahren Is Being Oppressed


In this, THE AGE OF WOKENESS, everybody is being wired to be triggered at every turn, but people saying words have never really bothered me. Tomi Lahren doesn’t really bother me, because she was basically a paid troll who got fired for having a mind of her own on a specific issue. Now she wants all her social media accounts back from the bitches at The Blaze so she can’t keep saying words.

“Let me go. Let me move on,” Lahren said, during an appearance on Nightline. “I’m deeply hurt by what has happened, I’m disappointed in what has happened. But if this is the way that it is, let’s just part ways, cleanly.” “I just want to work and have the freedom to put my voice out there and I want to interact with my fans and my followers, that’s all I want out of this,” she added. “It’s my job, this is my life. Without that, I feel lost. When your outlet is taken away from you, when your catharsis is stripped from you and you don’t understand why and you’re so disappointed and you’re so blindsided by it—it hurts.”

I literally agree with nothing that comes out of her mouth except the pro-choice thing, but I like how losing the ability to tweet and Facebook has turned her into Moses and MLK. But I also understand she’s in weird and vulnerable place right now and that might mean she’s be open to banging a brown guy. Hit me up, boo. You can talk all you want into the pillow if you catch my meaning. I feel that you do.