Ruby Rose Threw French Fries At A Bartender, Got Kicked Out, Bitched On FB

You might know Ruby Rose as the chick from OITNB that your conservative aunt question her own sexuality on Facebook, but everybody at the Rebellion Bar and Urban Kitchen in New Orleans know her as the raging bitch who got pissy when she didn’t get her appetizers in a restaurant that she was already told was full. 

She was having like a tantrum. She was awful,” said Rebellion Bar and Urban Kitchen owner Seung Hong, noting that Rose “cursed out” the bartender at whom food was thrown. “She was a horrible person.”

You can read the owner’s full account of the incident here, and to be honest, nobody who worked there had time for that shit. Then you can read Ruby Rose’s version she decided to put on Facebook.


Man, for a DJ, Ruby Rose doesn’t seem to know when a button is being pushed. You’d think she’d understand that. You’d also think that she wouldn’t complain about her fries being late in a place at capacity that tried to squeeze her in anyway. If you wanted fries that bad, take your ass to a McDonald’s drive thru. If you didn’t want to be offered free drinks, maybe don’t go to a bar. And if you’re throwing french fries at somebody who is trying to accomodate you, maybe it’s time to take a drink and calm your ass down. Sorry the owner didn’t call an all hands meeting to brief everyone on your sobriety before you arrived, and I understand this might come as a surprise, but there were other people there besides you. That being said, would still hit.