Meghan Trainor Is Super Horny, You Guys

I know you might find this hard to believe, but despite her mom’s advice, Meghan Trainor has learned that having a big ass isn’t a sure fire way to lock down a man.

“I knew my life would be complicated if my dreams of becoming a success in music came true. And I knew I’d have to work hard to achieve those dreams, and that they’d have to take a front seat in my life. So even though I went cray in high school, now I haven’t kissed a boy in forever. I keep telling myself that the right guy is going to be worth the wait. When I find the one, it’s going to be like, ‘Damn, that’s why you took so long! ’Cause you’re awesome!’”

Man, it’s super weird that Meghan Trainor can’t get the D. Maybe it’s because she’s annoying and kinda looks like Oswald Cobblepot in Batman Returns. Not sure, but I’m just throwing out possible reasons here.