“After Dating Man ‘Who Was Not A Muslim'”

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Hey, remember when I posted this story about Harry Potter actress, Afshan Azad, and I said it sounded like an attempted honor killing? And remember after that I got hate mail and death threats because I was an “ignorant faggot” and an “intolerant racist who perpetuates stereotypes”? Yeah, turns out it wasn’t me being those things. It was her family. Sorry. Daily Mail reports:

A Harry Potter actress fled her home after her father and brother threatened to kill her for going out with a Hindu man, a court heard yesterday. Afshan Azad, 22, who appeared in the blockbuster movies as Padma Patil, was attacked and branded a ‘slag’ when Muslim relatives found out about her boyfriend. The actress was so scared that she escaped out of her bedroom window and later fled her home city. He added: ‘The reason for the assault, apparently her association with a Hindu man, that apparently being disapproved of by her family who are Muslim.’ Mr Vardon said Abul Azad had been woken up by his son, Ashraf, shouting: ‘Sort out your daughter! She’s a slag.’ He went on: ‘He continued to further assault her, shouting, “Just kill her!”’ Reading from the victim’s statement, the prosecutor added: ‘My father began saying he would do it, a reference to kill her, as he did not want his sons to have her blood on their hands and he would do time for it. Then she began to feel very scared.’

This is normally the time when I gloat and tell you that you should never disagree with me, but as much as I like sweeping generalizations, I know this isn’t the time or place for that. But some truths should be self-evident. Like you know not to bother reaching for your insurance information when a car load of Mexicans hit your car, because they’ll already be out of the car and hopping a fence before you do. You know that when a white woman ends up missing, the police will eventually find her chopped up in her husband’s shoebox. You know that when you see a black woman behind a counter, she might not be the most helpful. And you know that every time I come around your city, bling bling. Pinky ring worth about 50, bling bling.