70% Chance Of Rain

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The company who pays me, the kick ass Crave Online, got an exclusive look at the finalists for “Biggest Baddass Star” award, a new category at this year’s MTV Movie Awards. You might ask yourself, “Is Todd really shamelessly plugging this site?”. Magic 8 ball says? Signs point to yes.

MTV and Crave Online are proud to unveil the five finalists for the new “Biggest Badass Star” award. The nominees are:


Angelina Jolie

Channing Tatum

Sam Worthington

Chris Pine

Who will take home the coveted Golden Popcorn? Will it be Rain, the musician turned ? Or Angelina Jolie, who continues to be “Wanted” in “Salt”? Or perhaps it will be Channing Tatum, who reported for duty in “G.I. Joe;” or “Avatar” star Sam Worthington; or Chris Pine, who delivered an out of this world performance as Captain Kirk in “Star Trek.”

I’m voting for Rain, because he once turned down Megan Fox like he obviously turns down carbs. And “Ninja Assassin” is literally means “Ninja Ninja”. Which sounds like a musical about ninjas. This is getting progressively gayer, so I’m stopping now.