
Courtenay Semel is a busted up fame whore (NSFW ads) [Drunken Stepfather]

Gwen Stefani is having her baby [Just Jared]

Will Smith is gay [Popsugar]

Eva Longoria is either pregnant or fat [Dlisted]

Nicole Richie is jealous of Mary-Kate Olsen [Hollywood Rag]

Jennifer Garner is still pregnant [Lainey Gossip]

Danielle Lloyd is topless [Hollywood Tuna]

Matthew McConaughey’s surfing faux pas [City Rag]

More Halle Berry in lingerie [Popoholic]

Ugly ass Audrina Patridge in more stupid staged pictures [Egotastic]

Charles Manson is Scatmanson [College Humor]

Emily Parr forgot her panties (NSFW site) [Taxi Driver Movie]

Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor kicking ass and winning gold last night: