Lindsay Lohan is Exhausted

It’s so unfair that the mean old man from Morgan Creek would write that nasty letter to our precious little Lindsay. I mean, it’s pretty clear she’s exhausted, just look at these pictures that were taken since she got the letter. The poor thing obviously needs to be in a wheelchair, but she’s not letting little things like “exhaustion” and “dehydration” get her down. She’s a fighter. Honestly, I really think that we can all learn a valuable lesson from Lindsay here today – that you should never let the threat of legal fees and future employment keep you from realizing your dreams of being a spoiled, drunk slut that everybody hates.

Lindsay Lohan at The Ivy on July 27th:

Partying in Las Vegas on July 29th:

In Malibu on July 29th:

In Malibu on July 30th:

Image Source: X17